Received lots of emails asking ‘what was discussed at the 6th World Scientific Congress of Golf’? (For which read, “Anything that can make me a better golfer?”). That all depends on whether you want some mental or fitness tips to improve your golf game. Or whether you believe that your swing must be solid before either of those two aspects can be of benefit to you! Excerpts and other interesting facts from the 12-16 March 2012 Congress here and in days to come.

See The section MGS at the WSCG page of this blog for more!

5 replies on “World Scientific Congress of Golf, 2012”

  1. Thanks for everything, Kiran! I’m a new student to your instruction, have read your DIY and looked at video to get started. I’ve been under Kevin’s tutelage (farkle) while you’ve been busy with the WSCG. Only played a couple of rounds, but sure like what I’m seeing and feeling. Have mostly been indoors practicing to try and get as close as I can to your instruction. Latest round was very encouraging, I don’t seem to be hitting the ball any farther, but the same distance with a lot less effort. My bones are liking this! Really looking forward to the journey here.


    1. Kurt, if you have specific questions post them here to get quick replies. If possible email me pictures so I can see exactly what you’re describing. Happy golfing.

  2. Kiran,

    I’ve been doing well with your approach so far with wedges, 9-6 irons and hybrids. Mixed results with the driver but usually in the fairway. Right handed, I seem to block some of them to the right side and they are straight. My good ones will start out a little right and draw back toward center. Haven’t really pulled anything bad yet. My ball position has been pretty much in the middle of stance with the everything but the driver. I have been moving the ball up toward the inside of the front foot.

    I understand that the longer clubs become trickier. Any special advice or adjustments you would suggest to help with these clubs?

    Thank you,

    1. Kurt,
      See if you’re opening the clubface while ‘twisting’. If not, send me some pics JUST before start of backswing and again at the top and I’ll tell you where you’re not following MGS. Typically if you do not twist enough OR lift the right side of your body you’ll push out. Kiran

  3. Kiran,

    I will try to get some pictures to you soon. Curious if you have a method to square the clubface or check it when your stance is set. Don’t think I’ve seen that covered in your instruction. It seems to kind of take care of itself as you get set into position. Once you’ve twisted away from the ball though, it seems like you could loose that orientation. How does the minimalist golfer keep from opening the clubface?

    Thanks again,

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