Mike Stupple
From a collection of messages on WhatsApp from mid-July to mid-September 2023.
[None are edited although a few snippets are cut out entirely, mainly as they give away bits of the ‘secret sauce’ of MGS]
How it all began – with a message through my website:
Hi Dr K!
When I asked where he’d acquired his MGS information from:
To cut a long story short, although I have played golf since I was a teenager ( I got down to 4 handicap at one stage, and am currently off of 8.2) I did not take up the game seriously again until a couple of years ago when I was nearing 60. Since then I have become a 'born again' golfer and cannot get enough of it.
I played really badly last year in club competitions and this winter I decided that despite my age, I was going to break down my swing and 'start again'. I was looking for something 'simple and effective'
So this led me inevitably to the internet (where else?) and sites that caught my eye, were primarily 'stack and tilt' ( this did not last long although Paul Saguto is very entertaining!) I then stumbled on Mo Norman! which fascinated me ( and still does!) and by chance I heard one of Mo's 'protege's mention something about the 'minimalist golf swing' technique, which of course then led me to you!
Accordingly I must have watched all of your clips on 'youtube' dozens of times over!
Every point you make, makes so much sense from a golf technique perspective and a physical one, and so its not only incredibly simple and effective, its also body friendly ( which is just as well at my age!)
Your method has so many 'selling points' for me, especially the logic of effectively 'starting in your impact position' and taking contrived body action and especially contrived hand/wrist action( historically my biggest nemesis!) out of the equation. I used to dream of the 'Ben Hogan supinated left wrist/'shaft lean' at impact' but could never achieve it, and now realise I never needed to! your clip on the 'slightly cupped or 'unsupinated' left wrist at impact was a real eye-opener!
One of the other main 'deal-makers' was your clip on Bryson! the pics of his set up position compared to his impact position were astounding, especially when he, more than most of the top players, is so intent on repeating his set up position at impact! I cannot get over the 'loss of height in the downswing' in his and so many of the great players( including Tiger of course!) - I think even Mo Norman's 'magic move' involved a loss of height in the downswing.
As I mentioned in my initial e mail, I found your 'rotated' set up position really strange and difficult to trust and get used to, but now I would'nt do anything else! I focus a lot on your phrase ' keep the right side 'in tilt' forever!'
Anyhow so much for cutting a long story short!
The following conversations all on 07/18/2023, one day after his only online video lesson:
Hi Kiran
Sorry to be a nuisance but I had to let you know what I did after your lesson today!
I did about 2 hours of ‘mirror practice’ and then I just had to try it out on the range
I honestly do not think I have ever hit the ball better or further and the instruction you gave me today made the whole action feel even more ‘minimalist’than ever!
Effortless power with accuracy to match - I love it!
PS obviously although I am excited with how it’s going I know I am still just scratching the surface with MGS and have a long way to go but am looking forward to the journey!
Thanks again for your time and effort and I will be in touch soon
Best wishes
Me: Mike that is great news - so was there a difference in before and after since you sent me your swing videos? In terms of distance, direction, trajectory?
Hi Kiran
An improvement in all 3 areas especially driver distance!
With the added bonuses of what feels like minimum effort, which is giving me greater consistency which is reflected in improved dispersion.
In other words I am hitting better shots and more and more of them!
[On 07/28/2023]
Hi Kiran
I played my best round of the year this morning, including shooting 1 under par on the back nine!
Before teeing off I thought it was best just to focus on your advice about keeping everything ‘loose’ rather than thinking too much about technique
This definitely helped my ball striking but whenever I feel my left arm ,climbing up’ it feels like I am coming out of posture and ‘ straightening up’ and it feels very steep so it feels awkward and difficult to trust
The crazy thing is that even though I am struggling to trust the new feelings I am still hitting more and more good shots like I did this morning!
I will keep you updated!
[On 07/28/2023]
Hi Kiran
I have committed myself to your MGS and want to be ‘all in’ with it!
As you know I started by applying the bits and pieces I came across in your historic you tube clips and appreciate you have modified your system since then.
Therefore I am very keen to know anything you have modified including any changes you have made to the set up position - I would much rather know everything you need me to do now, even if it means I have to add something extra to my practice - I can handle it!
I know there is no such thing as perfection with golf but I know already that MGS is the closest I will get to it ( I can live with 98% perfection!)
Am I right in assuming you don’t want me hitting shots with my feet together?
[On 07/31/2023]
Hi Kiran
I believe the American phrase is:
‘I have nailed the sucker!’
I have managed for the first time to keep my body quiet and let my left arm do all the work in the backswing which has at last allowed me to stay consistently in tilt during the backswing and keep my entire right side lower than the left including my right foot, knee, hip, elbow,shoulder, ear, and hair parting!!!
My downswing is totally automatic, almost a reflex/ reaction to the backswing movement ( the domino effect)
However you might not be happy with how I achieved the above as I know you don’t want me to think too much!....
[On 08/03/2023]
Hi Kiran
I won!
It was a 36 hole stableford comp at a top course near London - there were 62 players
I shot 41 points in round 1 and 40 points in round 2 and
I won by 6 points and was 12 points ahead of 3rd place!
It looks like my handicap will come down by 3 shots!
Obviously it was down to you and MGS
The best bit is I know I am only going to get better as I groove your method
Thanks for all your help
Your ‘star student’ Mike
[On 08/09/2023]
Hi coach!
Just letting you know your star student is leading after round 1!
Shot 38 points off new handicap and hit 14 greens in regulation but had 38 putts!
Looks like my hcap will be cut to 6 for round 2!
I will keep you updated!
[On 08/16/2023]
Hi Kiran
Not so good today!
Shot 33 points so am now in 5 th position with 2 rounds to go so still well placed.
Course was very tricky and tight - but no excuses I was not at my best
No excuses
Me: Which parts of the game were not as good?
Do you have a moment to call me right now? I have a suggestion
[On 08/17/2023]
Hi Coach!
The course today was amazing it’s ranked top 5 in Europe - it was very difficult but very fair
To be honest I still found it difficult to stay loose to start with but relaxed more on the back 9 and your tips really helped - I found when I focussed on keeping the legs still it seemed to naturally increase my natural torque/ resistance in my backswing which led to my downswing catapult effect being awesome!
The extra clubhead speed took me by surprise! However I still focussed more on your left arm tip which really helped - I am looking forward to working more on your ‘legs still’ tip when I get home as it also feels great
I shot 33 points again but my ball striking was so much better than yesterday and my putter was stone cold!
So I am tied 5th but now only 4 shots behind the leader going into tomorrow on the Ryder cup course!
Thanks coach!
[On 08/18/2023]
Hi coach
I nearly did it!
I shot 36 points today which as it was such a great tough test I was really happy with even though I scored no points on 18 which meant I lost by 2 points and finished 3 rd overall _ if I had made a 4 on the last I would have won!
Overall I was really pleased with my golf over the week, especially today and my improvement continues to astound me since switching to your system - your tips earlier in the week really helped as well
I made a lot more good swings today and look forward to seeing how good you can make me!
I will be in touch when I get home to see how you think we should progress and may be send you some swing clips
Best wishes
[On 09/07/2023]
Sorry for not updating you sooner - I was sulking yesterday cos I had so many 3 putts again and I played the Ryder cup course and had it at my mercy
I played well again today and had the joint best score of the day - I shot 37 points with a blob on 17!
I finished 5 th just 5 points behind the winner and I had nearly 20 three putts over the 3 rounds including another 3 three putts today! If I had just putted half normal I would have won by 10!
Looking at my stats the biggest difference in my game is definitely the fact that my bad shots are so much better than ever before - I have cut out so many destructive shots right thru the bag so even though I am also hitting so many more good shots, my bad shots/ miss- hits are now still finding the fairways and greens as well!
This is what is really exciting me, knowing that I have so much improvement to come even despite my age and my handicap being 5.8 - I really feel like I can get down to 3 handicap or better!
I feel waiting until you are back from India is perfect timing for us to then put together a winter programme for me to work on - including my putting!!!
We can also analyse all my relevant stats and identify any patterns etc and specific areas to work on
I hope you have a great trip to India and look forwarding to catching up with you on your return
Star student Mike
I am more than happy to give you my ‘testimonials’ for your website - I will send some for you to choose from!
[On 09/09/2023]
Hi Kiran
Played back at my home club today in our ‘purple tee’ event where they put us off the tournament/ championship tees where the course plays nearly 7,300 yards!
There were nearly 50 players and I finished 2nd by one point after 3 putting 4 times!
You are turning me into a bit of a machine!
I will try to leave you in peace during your trip to India but will be sending some testimonials for you to use for your website!
Best wishes
Star student Mike
[On 09/10/2023]
Hi Kiran
I have included some quotes you may want to put up on your website:
‘ I switched to Dr Ks MGS method in May and my handicap has come down from 8.6 to 5.6 and I have won several comps’
‘Dr Ks MGS has transformed my game - her expertise and knowledge of the golf swing and bio- mechanics mean her method creates a very simple and natural golf swing, which not only leads to better ball striking consistently but is also very ‘body-friendly’
Dr Ks MGS system creates a simple but very efficient golf swing that is so easy to repeat - even my mis-hits are good!’
‘Dr Ks method cuts out all unnecessary and incorrect movement in the golf swing which just leaves you with a simple and efficient golf swing that is so easy to repeat’
Please use any of the above or mix and match my quotes as you see fit
Best wishes
PS hcap now down to 5.6!
[On 09/12/2023] - the planned testimonials, pasted as sent:
Hi Kiran
‘ after one bad round too many I was determined to find a swing that worked and would be easy to repeat. This led to me going on the internet to try and find a method that would be simple to do
I then stumbled across some old YouTube clips of something called a ‘minimalist’ golf swing which caught my imagination.
This turned out to be Dr Ks MGS system and the more I saw and heard from her clips the more sense her method made- her expertise in body movement and how the body works also added to my interest!
So I had to give it a go and started to implement Dr Ks method based solely on some of her historic YouTube clips
My ball striking started to improve immediately and I quickly became certain I had found something that not only worked but was also easy to repeat as it helped to cut out any unnecessary moves in the swing
As my game improved, although I live in England I managed to contact Dr K to ask her to teach me more about her system
This led to Dr K assessing my swing via video clips and a very helpful ‘live’link up on WhatsApp
So although I have only had one serious lesson with Dr K I remain in constant contact with her regarding my swing changes and she has always been very helpful
Since switching to Kirans MGS system in May my handicap has been cut from 8.6 to 5.6 despite me being 61 years old!
I am a great fan of her method and highly recommend it to anyone and look forward to continuing to work with her to improve further!’
Mike Stupple in the UK
PSbecause my old swing was so bad I have never kept many clips of it but will try to find some and also send some of my current swing for comparison

Pat Wheeler

Terry M

Jerome Green
Have you ever wanted something so much that you could taste it? That was me before I met Kiran Kanwar, an LPGA golf instructor. She simplified my swing, and I have a repeatable, in-play correctable swing for the first time in my 32 years of golfing. I also don’t have hip and back issues with the minimalist swing. My short game has also gotten 100 % better, and I can now zone in on getting my chip shots close to the hole. In March, I got vertigo for the first time, which was horrific and scary. I didn’t play golf for seven weeks, and when I returned to the course, I truly appreciated that I had worked with Kiran in 2022 to change my swing. If we hadn’t done that work, I would not have been able to return to the course and would have been more depressed. Finally, I went to see Kiran last week for a check-up on my swing, and I had many things going wrong. She was able to get me back on track in 45 minutes. The next day I played in my club match play event and won by 2-1. Kiran’s approach is the easiest teaching method I have experienced.

David Hon
I had been trying to understand the work of Kiran Kanwar...But now my interest was not general. Nothing focuses you like a sheer wall of pain that seems to guarantee you will never lift a golf club again. Again lucky for me, Kiran was coming to Seattle. She’s getting a lot of attention in scientific journals now because her findings might significantly affect the game of golf. You should listen to her podcast: Link to Kanwar podcast or find a lot more on Kiran’s background and methods . All of which is to say I think she may have saved my golfing life. When she took me through the proper biomechanics, they seemed nothing like what lessons or numerous videos or champions-in-slow-motion looked like. Nothing whatsoever. But when I swung to Kiran’s precise guidance, there was no back pain. Theoretically (and thank God practically) there probably could be no back pain. And not only that, the ball went higher and straighter than I’d ever hit it before, time after time. So for the 76 year-old with golf delusions and a crumpled back, it seemed a minor miracle. I’m working at it and getting more consistency and slightly more distance…and feeling no pain. For someone who has recently embraced golf, I am awfully thankful. This is what real Hope looks like!
Rocky Kinsey
Kiran knows efficiency and power. I won my first mini tour event after working with Kiran. The MGSS is easy on your body and best of all it really works. If you want to enjoy golf and play for years to come, MGSS is for you.
Scott Bynum
I thoroughly enjoyed learning the Minimalist Golf Swing! It’s counter-intuitive at first, and it goes against much of the standard golf swing method, but after only a few sessions I was consistently able to generate the same or better ball speeds and straighter shots (slight draws). Kiran has shown me in a clear and measurable way that there is more than one way to swing a golf club!
Joel Waldman
I first learned about KK and mgs in my 50th year of pursuing my own golf swing perfection! Between 1985 and 1988 I had a usga handicap between -3 and +1...so I wasn’t bad...and I knew golf. I had literally hundreds of instruction books, videos, and had been to a dozen top name instructors. But as I aged and had varied orthopedic problems my game slipped away and I could never play 18 holes without switching swing thoughts and methods a dozen or more times...sound familiar? But when I came across mgs on the internet and you tube...i new my search and desperation was over. I read, viewed, texted, emailed and phoned with Kiran for two years until I finally had 3 days of intensive lessons and practice with her in Nov 2015. I Can and have hit golf balls on the course that i could never have hit with any other method...achieving a shallow from the inside collision with the lower inside rear quadrant of the ball is far more probable than with any other method... And my joints thank me daily for my new mgs swing. If you want the best ball striking, pitching, chipping, sand, and putting possible with a motion that is in harmony with muscle and joint function... Become a minimalist golfer as soon as possible.
C.T. Chang
I gained 3 basic things from your lessons. First: This swing seems to minimize joint and muscular strains. Second: the ball appears to go further and has a draw, so I need to adjust my initial direction. Third: I now have a routine to confidently get to the correct setup at address. Thank you for your relentless and encouraging sessions
Riley Wilson
I recently had the opportunity to have a personal golf lesson with Kiran with marvelous results. I am a 69 yo, 12 handicap, 2-3 games a week golfer with chronic back pain. The pain was becoming so severe that I could see the end of my golfing. Prescribed muscle relaxers, chiro, and massage didn’t adequately solve the problem and the muscle relaxers fouled up my short game. Having in the last few months used information from Kiran’s website and videos I was able to substantially reduce the pain. Also my ball striking improved but I sensed that substantial improvement could be made. I was fortunate to find a time when Kiran was going to be back in North Texas and scheduled a lesson. IMHO nothing substitutes for having a professional watch and instruct you. More to come. Riley
Scott Gately
I discovered the Minimalist Golf Swing by accident and was intrigued by the concept. At last a golf swing that was based in logic and a knowledge of the human body. I gave it a try and was not disappointed. After only a couple of rounds I was hitting the ball more consistently with a slight draw. The best part for me is the stress free ease of the movement and NO thinking during the swing. All the work is done in the set up. No longer trying to have 3-4 swing thoughts in the downswing. This method truly delivers, not a quick fix or band aid, but a reliable, consistent swing. A million thanks!