In collaboration with a biomechanics professor in different US Universities

For already published papers and more information, see Research Papers

Golf research has typically been focused on peripheral aspects such as equipment (clubs and balls), fitness, and the mental aspect of golf. Unfortunately, little research has been conducted on the golf swing itself, the quickest, easiest (and cheapest!) way for a golfer to get better results.

So, old-fashioned-me, who believes in the 1980s mentality of acquiring new clubs only as a reward for better performance, has worked on ways and means to produce - through scientific research - a repeatable, precise, powerful movement, which can help every skill-level of golfer make better shots, every single time.

Research plans in the pipeline (based on acquiring funding)

  • Does grip really matter?
  • A comprehensive list of all the power sources a human body can harness for maximum (yet directionally controlled) power.
  • How golf teachers teach - their sources of information
  • Measuring any golfer’s maximum distance potential (what is the best distance a person should expect, with better swing mechanics alone)
  • Swing-technique vs mental golf (can the mind make up for a swing flaw which forces the brain to make an over-the-top downswing?)
  • Swing-technique vs fitness (can fitness make up for a swing flaw which forces the brain to make an over-the-top downswing?)
  • Swing-technique vs equipment (can improving equipment quality make up for a swing flaw which forces the brain to make an over-the-top downswing?)

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